Como llevar el yoga fuera de la esterilla.

Este es un tema el cual llevo dándole vueltas mucho tiempo y creo que ya estoy por el buen camino, he conseguido por fin a través de la práctica física de las asanas llegar a proyecto de impacto local.

Todo proceso tiene su tiempo de maduración hasta que se materializa, en este caso llevaba tiempo de como juntar mis dos pasiones además que sentía que están unidas de alguna forma, entonces hace casi 2 años con mi amiga Linda Emblen que empezó este grupo de yoga denominado Pana Kula Yoga Group…amigos y estudiantes apasionados del yoga nos uníamos en mi caso para practicar algunas veces y otras enseñar de una forma mas altruista los Domingos.


La idea principal compartir una clases de yoga y después hacer networking a través de un brunch, poco a poco hemos ido descubriendo diferentes lugares del lago Atitlán en Guatemala, rodeado de volcanes y un sitio icono para los pueblos mayas, es como el concepto del karma yoga, dar algo a la comunidad.

Cuando me refiero sacar el yoga fuera de la esterilla significa como sabemos que es mucho más que posturas/asanas, es una filosofía de vida, una forma de pensar, sino también como ocurre un impacto directo en tu cuerpo físico, mental y en el entorno que te rodea a través de esta práctica continuada, entendiendo el yoga con la conexión entre y para todos.

No seré yo quien ponga las bases de un buen yogui, pero cuando nuestro camino yóguico comienza a estar conectado con el ego, la falta de humildad, los celos, el odio…y otros sentimientos y acciones que generar una alta carga de vibraciones negativas y de falta de respecto a nuestra persona y a los demás…es cuando debemos ponernos a respirar y darnos cuenta si nos encontramos fuera del camino.

He conocido a maestros  y profesores buenísimos que viven para y por el yoga, y en otros caso me he dado cuenta donde el EGO ha traspasado esa línea, donde el maestro no está al servicio del alumno y los papeles se invierten.

Actualmente en Pana Kula Group, hemos colaborado con pequeños negocios locales que están comenzando, proyectos de autosostenibilidad y desarrollo de terrenos autogestionados, de bajo impacto medioambiental y con permacultura….

Otros proyectos futuros para llegar al público local a través del yoga o incluso las personas pueden llegar por el proyecto en si mismo.

El último proyecto en Eagle Nest, una casa de acogida para niñ@s guatemaltecos que se encuentran en situaciones de abandono, falta de protección y donde les brindan desde las necesidades más básicas a un entorno de amor y sano, donde se sienta seguro, que feliz me hizo prácticar yoga aquí con las chicas que les encantó la clase y volveremos a ella también.

Más Info en; .

Futuribles proyectos de colaboración, cooperativa cafetera de familias mayas, proyectos de medio ambiente hacia el lago Atitlán, y proyecto para colaboración para mujeres que están bajo el acoso físico o psicológico.

También nuestro yoga retreat nos llevo a las instalaciones de una organización que forma y empodera a las estudiantes indígenas mayas de la zona de Sololá.


Gracias al yoga por darme tanto.

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The rocket yoga dummie


There is always one time to start in any thing or area of ​​your life, even in the world of yoga, my world … after more than 1000 sun saludations, and so many thousands of different asanas, some of which I still do not know the  sankrits names, I do not know if for lack of time to sit down to memorize them, laziness or whatever … the case that life was gradually bringing me to begin with rocket yoga.
Rocket comes from the hand of the ashtanga and let’s say it would be his gifted or developed son, it´s coming from America and compared with asthanga have more flexibility and creativity in the sequences both you are a student or teacher.
“Larry Schultz”  the Rocket´s father, developed this methodology to advance further in the asanas and jump on the other side those that are more complex for the body of each, in my case my achilles tendon (one of the most difficult asanas for me)  is “Urdhva Dhanurasana” or the wheel, it will be for my lack of mobility in the right shoulder, my little strength in the arm, and my rigidity in my spine or other endless circumstances in which my body and my mind resist, is for me one of the most challenging asanas … However, I return to it over and over again in my practice of asthanga … although sometimes I have the feeling that I do not advance and I am totally stucked… but well that would be another topic conversation.

I decided to start my 50-hour rocket yoga teacher training with David Kyle @MulabandhaKing, after meeting him in May 2016 at the Yoga Conference in Gran Canaria, and for the Amaryyo @amaryyoyoga yoga School opportunity that brought him this July, for training,

He has been a teacher for over 50 hours, David was one of the direct students of Larry (and so teaches in his classes the word and the legacy of Larry from the respect and closeness that Larry conveyed or at least that is what has arrived during the training) in these 5 intensive days, where we performed physical practice tomorrow and late afternoon, my body was resisting and overcrowded, still continue and gave the best of me in each moment … what I had or what That I could … my EGO appeared in many moments since the level of practice was very high and I felt at the tail (we are one of the weakest in practice) … but still continued and said: well Gema, dont give up…you did it the best … continue in your way..

Master class, David Kyle
Master class, David Kyle Chest opened and forearm balance.

So I finished the course, I turned the inside out, where the physical and emotional part was shaked… and maybe also the emotional part, so much energy was powered  in a intense way, and I  got used to an intense practice but with a more relaxed rhythm, the rhythm of the rocket took me along a few strained and even though  …  I think faster for me but still I´m dealing up with this.

I ´ve just decided that I will continue my path of rocket in a more calm and progressive and I will see how far I can go with this … I have all my life to continue learning, on the other hand for me never my goal has been to advance quickly, also perhaps because my body has his own limits (from the perspective of flexibility and strength).  I’ve never been a girl who could do this kind of thing, and now I´m near of 40 I’m walking on the way…..

This is a very gratifying path because I am giving to my body and my mind challenges into the mats, words such as CONFIDENCE, FLEXIBILITY, CONSTANCE, PERSEVERANCE, ENERGY, TIREDNESS, EGO, DEFEAT, CONTINUITY, PRESENT MOMENT, CONTINUE JUDGING.

These ideas appears again and again on the mat … when I realize that, I observed them and I watched going through them…  this is a way for discovering yourself, from a physical and mental way…from this perspective we can observe my mood and another differents topics.
Anyway everything is fine, everything flows and works and it is where it has to be what it ´s happened , everythins is the the correct place and I accept it from the compression and the love my way … without comparing myself with others and thanking me for already walking and enjoying the moment ….
This is my path and there is noone who can walk or perform for me, so it is my turn to continue … walking …
Thank you to the rocket yoga, thanks you Amaryyo school, thanks David Kyle and thanks to Larry for giving me the opportunity to discover a new way of understanding yoga nowadays as student, maybe in the future who knows as teacher.

Thank you David for your teaching
Thank you David for your teaching

FDO. The rocket rookie

Learn to RELEASE …. the path of yoga …

What kind of yoga do you choose and why?


Because each style of yoga teaches us and gives different routines and we work different physical aspects  in the different styles  asthanga, rocket, other more fluids like vinyasa and hatha and other more spiritual like the kundalini, all are just as valid and the most important is that you find yours.

That will be which most connects with you and also the teacher and the teachings that fill in you.

As a teacher and student I am of those who think that it is important to experiment and try different styles and choose the one that goes with you … the one that fills you and connects you with the deepest, will be that you need a more physical or a more spiritual practice , or maybe is the teacher who connects with you in a special way.

As a teacher and student you have to learn to let go and  flow … to let the students come and go, to stop going to classes to go to other … in short to do what you feel … and the most important is to accept that process that each one has paths to walk together as long as it is and then to release, to change, to leave, to return …

This is one of the teachings that has given me and continues giving the yoga path day by day, all these variables are I like to see myself in this double environment … student for many times and teacher for a few (I really think I will always be learning and more on the side of the student) and as I am learning I see I need more and more hours of study, but the most important is the way of knowledge and learning to RELEASE



“Associate with people who are likely to improve you.”





Asthanga a normal day in a normal life


It is 7.30am still I want to sleep more I feel quite lazy but a last determination put me out from the bed.

I change my clothes, I did all the staff in the bathroom and I leave my appartment without thinking so much still the laziness are coming with me…so sometimes I´m going by bycicle that it takes me around 20 minutes to arrive to the class or if I ´m going by walking around 40 minutes, during that walk my mind is sleeped and looks to the ocean…but even thought when I arrive to my yoga class I throught my mat on the floor but still I feel quite sleeped.

Then you start after the conection with yourself and some meditation the warm up with 10 “surya namaskara” sometimes your brain thinks … “Ohhh my god still one hour and half over” …I dont know if I will have enough strong or even though I could be able… so you continue and you dont leave that you brain take the control.

So you continue sistematic with your routine (well still for me I dont have everything memorize…it is taking more time that I though) so next asanas coming all the secuence in stand up and balance this is should be the easy one posture but still you body are geting warning and even though you realice there are so many things to doing better, as soon as Manu, Paula o Anika coming to you and align so it is look that you are not doing so good that you though 😉

Now in the floor position; we are working in openhip so that and the twist so everything should coming for that area, our “mula bandha”should be active and working (really in all the practice), the twists in marichyasana are quite challenge and sometimes during the adjust; I didnt know that I could do that; a huge movement from my hip also I have detected a block in my breathing.

Whatever happens you should continue, these time with some handstand as “bakasana” were we work the strong in our hard and the quiteness in our brain and later we continue with superstrong bending “kurmasana”

Say your brain and you body dont stop, after 5 breathing we continue to the next one…

After different postures we will jump to another challenge back bending posture and the wheel  or ”urdhva dhanurasana” and all the movement around that, this is still a big deal a looks like that it will be during a long period to past this big Stone, I felt how my chest was opened or unblock one day but still I have so much practice to do to improve in this asana, the good thing is that I´m not on hurry, so after that I feel free and I can start relaxing in my practice.


Now in the final part in the secuence where I can start to relax my body and mind


So now the shoulder  “sarvangasana”  or  “halasana” stand are quite relax and also my headstand  “salamba sirsasana” is more and more easy going…still I´ve to improve my abdominal strength to be able starting the pose slowly with the support behind of the wall (so I´m quite frighting without it)
…so after that “shavasana” the best…and the day starting in a different way…


After that there is nothing more that PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE

I´m going to ask to the New Year in 2017 be more focus in my practice, let´s lazy and much more constant, they are the key point to improve in the asthanga path.




Yoga for children…first steps…


Because I think the children are the future, they have in their hands the power of creating whatever they believe only they need someone or something that really give them power to find them own values.

After many years working with children in my free time, NGO and another places….so the most of the time they were in complicated situation, alcoholism, abandoned by parents or with a quite difficulty economic problem

I will like to create a better future where all the society will be more free, happy and they will be taking their own decision, this is why step by step I´m going working more in this direction.

My passion is yoga; because for me yoga and meditation connect with you deeper inside so but I thought there is so much work to do when you are a adult, it will be so much better if someone had showed me when I was a child with is the best way to connect with myself I have avoid a lot of psychological sessions.


So this is why I attented to one session yoga for children and I feel so impressive and happy, how the children want to learn so much, how they are receptive to change their minds and they dont have some many prejudiced.

So them, from 18-20 September I attended to Yoguitos Training in Madrid, I feel so happy to find this kind of people who they are working with passion for children show them the best, I learnt a lot of techniques to how introduce the sun salutation or  suryanamaskar  and asanas, speak about love and respect to the other, practice some pranayama exercise, and some meditation at the end.

So my first experience was so beautiful, around 9 children between 2 and 10 years old a long different between them, but we have a beautiful morning, a lot of fun and laughting I can say that I was one of the most beautiful yoga experiences that I have had….


So I hope that so much more…


_DSC3878 ChildrenLaid YogaClass

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