Healthy food in Guatemala

Travel and discover; Healthy and typical food in Guatemala, some of the disks and ingredients tasted during my visit.

PEPIAN, this disk has been declared Cultural Heritage, is consist in a typical spoon plate, cooked in the traditional way, the main ingredients which are different from anothers diskes are the cocoa, sesame seeds called also ‘ajonjoli’ in the maya cultural, another ingredients are cinnamon, chilies… the main features about these two ingredientes are,

Sesame seed (good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, and dietary fiber) and Cocoa give you a extra input of energy.


We can find this plant in Guatemala, before I have never listen nothing about, but here there are the 13 properties from this plant

  1. Increases the body’s natural defenses.
  2. It promotes cell body structure.
  3. Naturally controls serum cholesterol levels.
  4. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  5. It promotes normal functioning of the liver and kidney.
  6. Beautifies the skin.
  7. It provides energy.
  8. Promotes proper digestion.
  9. It acts as an antioxidant.
  10. It provides a healthy circulatory system.
  11. It is an anti-inflammatory.
  12. It produces a feeling of well being.
  13. Regulates normal levels of blood sugar.



It has a tart, cranberry-like flavour, and sugar is often added to sweeten it. The tea contains vitamin C and minerals and is used traditionally as a mild medicine. In west Sudan a white hibiscus flower is favoured for its bitter taste and is customarily served to guests.

There is some clinical study suggesting that consumption of hibiscus tea may lower blood pressure, but the quality of studies is poor. There is no reliable evidence to support recommending hibiscus tea for the treatment of high blood pressure or primary hypertension. Hibiscus tea is generally well tolerated and does not adversely affect liver and kidney function at lower doses, but it may behepatotoxic at high doses. Hibiscus flowers contain anthocyanins, which are believed to be the active antihypertensive compounds, acting as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)


Long regarded as a food treat, cocoa is now used by some people as medicine. Cocoa seed is used for infectious intestinal diseases and diarrheaasthma,bronchitis, and as an expectorant for lung congestion. The seed coat is used for liver,bladder, and kidney ailments; diabetes; as a tonic; and as a general remedy. Cocoa butter is used for high cholesterol, although develop prons and cons it will be for sure another article.


Some of the the main properties are upper your blood pressure, anticancer features, helps against to the diabetes, helps agains to gallstone event though there are a lot of cons againts to the coffe.

Although it is the same as Cocoa, I will need a special article only for speaking about the pros and cons about this ingredient.

Another typical diskes are Jocón, Kaq´ik, Plátanos en Mole declared Cultural Heritage from Guatemala in 2007.

General features about the fruits



High in minerals such as; potassium and iron and low in sodium.

Help constipation – Helps control cravings – Remedy for hangovers



Natural antibiotic – Anticancer – Reduces levels of blood sugar

Eliminates toxins – Cleanses the body



Increases muscle strength -High in vitamins A and C.

Excellent source of minerals -It contains folic acid



High iron content

High in vitamin C and carotenoids.

High fiber – High calcium content



High beta-carotene content – It Contains Iron

It contains alkaline minerals

Moisturizes the body

It contains vitamins A, E, C and Group B.



Strengthens the stomach. -It stimulates appetite.

Cleanses the body.

Supports the liver and kidneys

Lowers cholesterol.



Eliminates inflammation problems.

Reduces blood pressure – Highly detoxifier.

Rich in vitamin A, C and E.

Combat cellulite problems



Important source of fiber

Protein source – Protects against diabetes

Anti-cancer properties

Retards cellular aging.



Prevents heart disease.

Improves vision.

It contains vitamin B.

Eliminates retained liquids




High in Vitamin A

Improves kidney problems

Improves lung health

Natural antiflamatorio

It contains potassium

Combat skin diseases



High in vitamin A and C.

Anti-cancer properties

Improves constipation problems

Powerful antioxidant.

Improves skin.

Rich in iron



High in antioxidants

Retards cellular aging

Avoid constipation problems

High in potassium

High in Vitamin C

Moisturizes the skin.



Antiflamatoria – Prevents fluid retention

Antirust – Strengthens the immune system

Help hypertension problems.



It facilitates the work of the kidneys.

Dissolve kidney stones and prevents their formation

Anti-cancer properties.

Effects of memory enhancers.

It contributes 25% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.



Minimum amount of calories.

Neutralizes free radicals – Moisturizes the skin

Regulates blood pressure



Improves hair –  helps improve breastfeeding.

Powerful anti-cancer – Improves vision.

Detoxifies the liver.

It contains calcium, potassium, iron



Diuretic – Alkalized the body

Improves circulation

High in vitamin C – Help with skin problems

Regulates levels of blood sugar



Natural diuretic – Moisturizes our body.

Antirust – Debugs and clean.

It provides stable power.

High in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.



Diuretic – Previe kidney stones

Strengthens the immune system

High in vitamin C.

Maintains healthy skin

Lowers Cholesterol



Fights constipation – Analgesic properties.

Anticancer – Alkalized.

It helps eliminate intestinal parasites

It contains potassium, magnesium and vitamins B.



Rich in vitamin C – It helps regulate cholesterol.

Antirust – Diuretic

Mitigates the pain in arthrosis and arthritis

It helps prevent fluid retention.


Diuretic – Alkalized the body

Detoxifies and purifies

High in vitamin C – Help with skin problems

Antiinflammatory properties.




Lowers blood pressure – High in calcium

It contains folic acid – Purifies the blood

Lowers Cholesterol -High in fiber.



Reduce Hypertension – Improves digestion

It facilitates calcium absorption.

Eliminates bad breath – Alkalized

Cleanses the body

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